How to promote an Instagram Account?

Top 10 ways to promote your Instagram account:

1. Get your account ready for promotion on Instagram:

Before you can attract users to your account, there are a few things you need to do in advance.

Analyze your audience (age, gender, interests, etc.) and understand which pages they subscribe to and what blogs they follow. The better a business knows its target audience, the better it will be able to create precisely targeted advertisements and choose more suitable partners & bloggers to collaborate. It will result in better Instagram ad results in less spending.

2. Watch your rivals:

A business needs to keep a constant check on its rivals. It is basically to keep a check on the companies that are offering similar products and services. There are several analytic tools to help you monitor them. By which, you will get to know the differences between yours and their businesses, learn about their sales and discounts, contests and sweepstakes, etc. Also, you can check the way they post on their social handles and study the reaction of their followers to know your plus points and promote yourself successfully on Instagram.

Add 10-12 posts and create a content plan for the future. If an account appears empty and has some errors in its design, it fails to build trust, and most of the users will avoid signing up.

Turn your account into a pro. An account is initially personal with few limitations. For example, you cannot see the number of visitors, subscriber information (their weekly growth, geographic area, age, gender, etc.), and their stats such as Impressions and Reach in Every Photo, Video, Instagram Stories. In a personal account, you can’t even see the targeted ads. Typically, the business accounts exist with few differences. For example, the Creator profile provides Daily and Weekly Business statistics.

To switch your Instagram account, open “Settings”, then go to “Account”, press “Switch to a business account”, and choose “Business” (if you are promoting a business on Instagram) or “Creator”, which is aimed at celebrities and bloggers.

3. Mention Instagram in all your social networks:

If you’ve created audiences in other social media before, ask a newsletter mailing list to write about your new account. Offer a discount, giveaway, or create checklists to make them more willing to sign up. For example, a beauty salon can post on Facebook:

“Good news! We have an Instagram account. We now have another social media platform to let you know about our opening hours, discounts and post helpful reviews and information. We will send you a certificate with a 50% discount on any beauty treatment for new subscribers! Follow us!

4. Maintain accounts on other social networking sites:

Comment on those posts that are often visited by your target audience. It is better to comment on pages with over 100,000 followers to encourage more people to see it.

For example, promote a business on Instagram that offers foreign language courses. Remember, your primary goal is to market yourself, gain public attention, and not just sell your courses.

For example, you can respond to a user who asks in the comments about student books. We teach our students with this or that book. And better explain why your business chose these educational materials, but don’t mention your business name (as we hope you are already using it in your profile name); otherwise, it represents an obvious comment to make Instagram advertising.

Note that if users mark your comment as spam, Instagram may limit your account. Therefore, do not write evident ads like “Buy $10 honey for a pound in my account” or anything like that.

5. Invite to follow:

Go to the account of a rival, blogger, or company that your audience follows, send messages to users inviting them to subscribe to your account.

Small businesses on Instagram with limited budgets tend to use this method. However, it’s more effective if you have the money. On Instagram, you can run targeted ads or directly approach the bloggers to promote you.

6. Subscribe to the rivals’ followers and like their posts:

Go to the profiles of your target followers and choose the right subscribers, like their publications and follow them. Some users will be curious about who liked their content, and in case they found your business profile interesting, they might subscribe to yours too.

However, if the number of followers equals the number of rival’s followers, users might become suspicious.

7. Add hashtags:

Put hashtags relevant to the topic under each post.

For example, if you are hosting a wedding event, add a #wedding_event hashtag. Hashtag collection services, like top hashtags, make it easier. You can also add campaign-specific hashtags while collaborating with bloggers.

8. Host contests to promote Instagram:

Collaborate with other profiles, followed by your audience, to organize a contest and announce prizes. Such type of deal will be beneficial for you and the bloggers in the following ways:

1. It will help you gain more subscribers to your brand’s profile.
2. You will increase engagement on bloggers’ profiles and attract new ones to the prices you pay for.

Choose accounts with 5,000+ followers for Instagram advertising to get more visitors.

9. Ask a blogger to promote your blog:

Choose bloggers or business accounts that post content related to your field or that target audience similar to you based on characteristics (age, gender, interests).

For example, you produce youth clothing. Look for bloggers who post about social life and fashion. Follow shop owner. You can collaborate with profiles on blogs about weddings and preparations.

Of course, the bigger a blogger, the more you have to pay. Small bloggers (less than 10,000 followers) won’t help attract more subscribers due to fewer visits to their profiles.

When you request Instagram promotion from multiple bloggers at the same time, it becomes difficult to find out where the new subscribers are coming from. You need to go to their profile and check which blogger they are subscribed to. It takes a long time for lots of new followers. For this, it is advisable to avoid advertising from multiple bloggers at the same time.

At the beginning of your Instagram account promotion, evaluate a blogger’s effectiveness on subscription costs. Then, divide your total spend by the number of subscribers who showed up 23 days after starting the campaign.

10. Use targeted advertisement:

Targeted ads are an effective but sophisticated way of attracting new subscribers. You must determine your goal. It means parameters that differentiate your own audience among all Instagram users. You need to know your gender, age, location, and interests. Select this when configuring a campaign.

Another important point is choosing the right goal. It is set in the first step of the ads account in the Facebook ad manager. To get more followers (Dislikes, Comments, or Views), select Traffic Consideration.

Estimate the average cost of a new subscriber the same way you estimate the cost of promoting a blogger. Analyze which one is more profitable for you and use it.

All manual methods to get more subscribers are spread out over time. For once, it’s very exhausting. Second, Instagram has some limits on an account’s activity. Hence, it could easily be banned. So if there’s no money to spend on Instagram advertising, that’s fine. If you have money to spend and want instant results with no risk, likes, comments, and invites on your account are just an addition to bloggers and targeted ads.



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